Production Leader
As a production leader you want to optimise the use of production machinery and manpower, with a view to increasing productivity and the number of satisfied customers. This requires two types of information: immediate feedback and factual long-term information.
Immediate feedback
At any given time in the production cycle you want to be informed of the efficiency and quality. You need immediate and clear feedback while the production machinery is running.
Fact-based prognosis
You also want to understand the trends and evolutions within your production machinery, allowing you to anticipate changes.
In practice
We integrate various control and measuring points in the entire production process. Automated connections with the machinery ensure a direct input and pure data which our software promptly converts into clear information.
The objective and transparent reports made by our software enable you to make the right decision at the right time.
Effective consumption rates and product specifications are shown in detail. This is the sort of information you need in order to take cost-efficient measures. The immediate feedback immediately reveals any planning and production anomalies, thus ensuring better adjustments to your production machinery and manpower.
In addition, our software makes it easier to meet customer-specific needs. The many built-in routines allow significant time savings, which translate into a higher-quality end-product and a higher-performance production.
Thanks to the open machine interface, you can automatically capture and interpret the information flow. The key performance indicators (KPIs) are also constantly displayed, resulting in self-control at the workstations. A permanent evaluation of their time usage and efficiency also enhances your manpower control.
Thanks to our software, you know what is going on, based on immediate feedback about the production process running at that time, but also on the basis of an understanding of trends and evolutions of said process. This knowledge and information allow you to accurately and efficiently run your department. You can produce in time, in accordance with the customer’s needs, with less effort and more insight.
Why Orbitus?
- Unique & efficient graphical planning board – crystal clear and simple
- Full integration between planning, shop-floor and warehouse – data integration at its best.
- MES & WMS within the same database for maximum return and traceability – all data immediately accessible
- Real-time return measuring and reporting by means of direct machine link for automatic data capturing – correct and independent data with little effort
- High-level integration with ERP – close interfacing with SAP
- More than 10 years of experience within diverse industrial environments